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Why SignalFire invested $15 million in Spec, and why online fraud is getting so much worse

As any entrepreneur who’s had the audacity to think they can change the world knows, you’re never successful without a…

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A new chapter in securing fraud defenses: Announcing Spec’s $15 million Series A funding

We’ve reached a pivotal moment at Spec that I’m thrilled to share with you: the successful close of our Series…

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When you need insights more than data

Gain insights in areas of your customer experience where fraudsters are being fraudsters & good actors may be subjected to unnecessary friction.

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How to prevent your fraud defenses from leaking data to adversarial AI models

Discover how cybercriminals utilize AI to evade traditional fraud defenses and how you can outsmart AI to safeguard your business against fraud.

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No-code sometimes means yes-code

With Spec, “no-code” truly means no code. Discover how our platform unifies teams, data, and tools to protect customer experiences effortlessly.

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Your fraud problem is actually a data problem

Discover the connection between fraud and data, and gain full visibility across all user journeys, incorporating both internal and external data.

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